Library Support for the Grand Challenge

Penfield Library supports SUNY Oswego's first Grand Challenge: Fresh Water For All. This resource guide contains recommended library resources for faculty members as you and your students work on projects related to the many issues surrounding fresh water. 

If you, as a faculty member, would like to recommend that Penfield purchase specific materials, you may:

For more information about the library services available to support your work, check out Penfield Library's Services for Faculty.

Books in Penfield Library

Or try searching Penfield's book holdings for:

(For more specific searches, see the other pages of this guide.)

Other Useful Materials

"Rushing Water" by John Singer Sargent, circa 1901-7

Sargent, J. S. (ca. 1901-7). "Rushing Water [painting]." Retrieved from

Open Educational Resources

Look for more OERs:

Illustration of a horse-drawn cart approaching a bridge in the rain.

Hashiguchi Goyō. "Rain at Yakabe." Retrieved from CC0.