Finding books
As part of your library research activity, you need to find two books that discuss design processes. Here is what I recommend:
Go to the library catalog (you can also access the catalog from the library homepage - just make sure to click on the "Advanced Search" option)
Try searching for one of the following phrases (and if you don't see anything you like, just try another). Before you enter a search phrase, select "Subject" from the dropdown menu:
"engineering design" (make sure to use the quotation marks)
"industrial design"
"design and technology"
After you get a list of results, look for "Resource Type" in the left sidebar, click it, and then select "Books."
Accessing books
Once you've found a book in the catalog, the next step is to actually access the book. If it's a print book, it should say that it is available, and list a call number. Here's an example:
Finding a book on the third floor can be a bit tricky, because we have split aisles (kind of like Wegmans and other stores). Here's a guide on how to find books on the shelves.
If the book you've found is an online book, then you can just click "Available online", and it will take you to the book.
Getting the information you need for your assignment
If you've chosen a print book, then you'll need to make a copy of certain pages of the book.
The library does not have a copy machine. However, we do have a scanner. It is just outside the library classroom on the left side of the building. If you need help using it, you can ask at the Research Help Desk (which is to the right of the stairs on the first floor).
If you've chosen an online book, you can click "Read Online" to browse the book and search for specific terms:
Once you've found the pages you want to print:
Click the printer icon
Enter the page range you want to print (you will likely have to do this a few times - once to get the cover, and once to get the other pages)
Click "Continue"
Assistant Library Director
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