Internet Resources - Research Projects and Think Tanks
- Yale Center for the Study of GlobalizationThe Yale Center for the Study of Globalization examines the impact of our increasingly integrated world on individuals, communities and nations. Website provides links to papers and videos on topics like nuclear disarmament, trade, global development, and climate change.
- The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs ResourcesIdentifies URLS on all aspects of international affairs, including a link to the United Nations website
- University of Minnesota Human Rights LibraryWide coverage and easy navigation make an excellent site to search for human rights information
- Global Legal Information Network"A public database of official texts of laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and other complementary legal sources contributed by governmental agencies and international organizations"
- Introduction to Public International Law ResearchAn excellent basic guide introducing researchers to resources such as case law, treaties and journals, and major entities such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union involved in public international law.
- American Society of International Law"The mission of the American Society of International Law is to foster the study of international law and to promote the establishment and maintenance of international relations on the basis of law and justice."
- National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism" improve understanding of the origins, dynamics, and social and psychological impacts of terrorism." Based at the University of Maryland.
- MIT Security Studies Program"...the integration of technical and political analysis of national and international security problems."
- Middle East Research and Information Project" of the most informative websites on Middle East politics, culture and has no links to any religious, educational or political organizations in the U.S. or elsewhere."
- Global Policy ForumAn independent policy watchdog that monitors and reports on United Nations activities and developments in multilateral affairs.
- International Center for Research on Women"For 47 years, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) has set the global agenda for gender equity, inclusion, and shared prosperity with action-oriented research and solutions. Our Research and Programs, Advocacy and Policy, and Private Sector teams focus on economic opportunity and security, health and reproductive rights, gender norms, and climate action."
- Council on Foreign RelationsThe Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. Their website provides information and analysis about world events and American foreign policy.
- National Security Archive"...combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents"
- Global Conflict TrackerTracks and provides information on international conflicts of concern to the United States.
International Organizations
- CGIARInternational research partnership focused on the economic, environmental and nutritional power of agriculture.
Organizations - Asia, Asia Pacific, Eurasia, and Middle East
US Foreign Policy
- Country StudiesThis collection contains electronic versions of eighty books originally sponsored by the U.S. Army and written by researchers affiliated with the Library’s Federal Research Division. Intended for a general audience, the studies provide descriptions and analyses of lesser-known countries or regions where U.S. military forces might be deployed. Most were published in the 1990s.
- Foreign Relations of the United States seriesThe official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Note: completed sets are only available through the Nixon and Ford administrations.
- U.S. Agency for International Development" independent federal government agency that supports long-term economic growth..."
- Nation MasterManipulate data from foreign countries.
- EurostatEuropean Union statistics website
- United Nations World Migration ReportLink to interactive tool, the 2022 report, and previous reports.
Grey Literature
Grey literature is information published and distributed outside of traditional commercial or academic channels. Examples included reports, policy and white papers, conference papers and proceedings, dissertations, government documents, press releases, survey results, and interviews. Since they are not always formally published, they can be difficult to find and evaluate. This type of material can also be biased, so carefully examine who is providing this information and what their aims are in sharing it. Decide if the information is going to be useful to you in your research and making your argument.
- Open Research Reports from JSTORJSTOR provides access to over 50,000 research reports from 187 think tanks and research institutes from around the world. During any search in JSTOR you can restrict your search results to reports.
- Open Think Tank DirectoryProvides information about think tanks from around the world including their areas of focus, gender breakdowns of staff , and organizational performance.
- Think Tank ReviewProvides a monthly selection of think tanks reports about the European Union.
- Find PolicyProvides search options for finding think tanks based on topic and location.
- Harvard Kennedy School of Government Think Tank SearchA custom search of websites of over 1200 organizations that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity.
- EldisDatabase providing summaries and links to research on international development hosted by the Institute of Development Studies from the UK.
- Congressional Research Service ReportsCongressional Research Service Reports provide nonpartisan research and analysis for members of Congress and committees.
In addition to these databases, the organizations linked to on this page are good sources for finding grey literature.