Oswego's Policy in Brief
Oswego's policy on intellectual integrity and plagiarism is available in the Student Handbook, the Undergraduate Catalog, and the Graduate Catalog. Instructors make their own statements on intellectual integrity, and include their statements in the course syllabi. The following summary presents the highlights relevant to plagiarism in direct, plain language. This statement does not represent the entire policy or an authoritative interpretation.
- Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying of exam answers, papers, or other assignments from other students, from published sources, or from the Internet; and presenting them as one’s own work.
- Plagiarism involves using the words, ideas, interpretations, expressions and thoughts of others without giving credit or documentation of the source.
- An instructor who finds evidence of plagiarism will discuss the matter with the student and then proceed as needed with penalizing the student.
- Academic penalties may include reduced or failing grades for the assignment or even a failing grade in the course.
- Disciplinary actions may include suspension or expulsion from the College.
- An appeal procedure is available.

Parts of this work were adapted from the Plagiarism Resource Site (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). The rest of this work was created by Jim Nichols, a former librarian at Oswego, and is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. If you have questions, please contact askalibrarian@oswego.edu.