
Faculty Feedback on the Lake Effect Research Challenge


SUNY Oswego’s Penfield Library is conducting a survey in an effort to gain feedback on faculty members’ experiences with the library's Lake Effect Research Challenge (our online research tutorial). We will use these survey responses to craft more engaging and relevant research tutorials. Participation in this survey is voluntary, and we anticipate that this survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

If you choose to complete this survey, we will make all efforts to keep your responses anonymous. However, please be aware the experimenters may be able to determine your identity from other survey questions. For example, we ask which courses you teach. We will not share any of this information outside the scope of this study.

If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Laura Harris (Online Learning Librarian),
  • Karen Shockey (Coordinator of Library Instruction),

If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Dr. David Bozak (, Chair of the Human Subjects Committee at SUNY Oswego.

By taking this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and accept this information.

Thank you! We very much appreciate your participation.

1. Do you assign the Lake Effect Research Challenge to your students? Is it a required assignment?

  • Yes, I assign it and it's required
  • Yes, I assign it and it's optional (or I mention it to my students as a guide to the research process)
  • No, I don't assign it

If they select No, I don't assign it, they will see the following questions:

2A. Why don't you assign the Lake Effect Research Challenge to your students?

  • It's not relevant to what I teach, and / or I assume students will learn these skills in other classes
  • I don't know what the Lake Effect Research Challenge is (or I didn't know prior to taking this survey)
  • I don't feel it meets my instructional needs. (Please explain below - ex. it doesn't cover a topic you think is important, it's not integrated into Blackboard, etc.)

3A. What courses you teach? (Ex. ART 105, MET 301)


If they select any of the other responses for the first question, they will see the following questions:

2B. Which course(s) do you use it with?


3B. Are any of these classes online or hybrid classes? If so, which ones?

  • Yes
  • No

4B. What do you hope your students will learn from the Lake Effect Research challenge? What are your learning objectives?


5B. Do you think that the worksheets that are offered in each section adequately inform you about whether your students have achieved these learning outcomes?

  • Yes
  • No, I don't use the worksheets - I don't currently assess my students on what they learned from the Lake Effect Research Challenge
  • No, I don't check the worksheets - I assess these skills in other assignments or other ways. (Please tell us more below.)

6B. What do you like about the tutorial? What do you find useful?(We want to make sure we don't get rid of the good stuff.)


7B. What don't you like about the tutorial? What can we improve upon?


8B. Can the instruction librarians get in touch with you to talk about your responses? If so, please share your email address below.