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TEL 130: Computing Technology and Information Systems for Technology Careers

Reading Scholarly Journal Articles

As the information cycle video pointed out, scholarly articles can be hard to read unless you're an expert in that topic. You might find our guide on how to read a scholarly article helpful.

tl;dr: Read the beginning and the end of the article. Skip the sections on methodology and results.

Putting it all together

Black and white drawing of a hamburger

← Introduce your quote

Share the author's name and provide context for the quote

← Quote & cite

← Analyze the quote & connect it to the topic you're discussing

A good example:

Writers may sometimes have an issue with integrating quoted material. Discussing her students who work at a law review journal, Stetson professor Darby Dickerson proposes that “because citation work is detail-oriented, requires great concentration, and is sometimes perceived as ‘drudge work,’ it often generates a high level of frustration” (Dickerson 477). Although she writes about her particular context, the frustration that she mentions translates to other writing situations as well.