About trade magazines


Trade magazines (also called trade journals) are specific to a certain trade, industry, or career path. They contain information about current news, trends, developments and best practices in that industry / field.

Intended audience

Trade magazines are geared toward people in a specific profession.


Members of the profession, and scholars


  • Trade magazines tend to have lots of color photographs and images
  • Most articles have authors listed
  • Articles may not include references to their information sources
  • Often contain advertisements


Usually published by a professional organization or commercial publisher


Trade magazines are usually published either:

  • Every week
  • Every month
  • A few times a year

What are some examples of trade magazines / journals?

The Physics Teacher
Profession(s): Science teachers

The cover of the November 2018 issue of The Physics Teacher

Florists' Review
Profession(s): Florists

The front page of the September 2014 issue of Florists' Review

Profession(s): Veterinary medicine

The front page of the February 2018 issue of dvm360 magazine