Search specific journals

The down side to search these databases is that they contain articles about all sorts of educational topics; you may end up with a lot of results that have nothing to do with your topic.

One thing you can do is search specific journals that are related to educational administration. Most library databases contain specific journals, so you can think of this as a different way of searching our databases. 

If you click one of the journal titles below - say, Educational Leadership - you'll see a screen like this one. Notice that we have full text access through Education Database, Academic OneFile, and several other databases?  

You can click any of the options listed, as long as it includes the last ten years - we could click either EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete or EBSCOhost Associates Program Source.

Screenshot of Educational Leadership record with list of databases it is found in

There are two different ways to find articles once you choose a database. You can browse recent issues (1 in the screenshot) or search the journal for a specific topic (2 in the screenshot).

Screenshot of Educational Leadership journal page in Academic Search Complete

If you were to search within the publication, you'd see something like this. In the example below, we're searching (a) Academic Search Complete but we are searching only within the (b) Educational Leadership journal.

Searching Academic Search Complete database with a journal limiter

Our example is in Ebsco, but ProQuest works the same way.

Dr. Craig's Recommended Journals

Journals we don't have recent issues of

We have access to 4-year-old articles in most of these journals. So, they'll fit the "must be published in the last 10 years" requirement, but if you want more recent articles, see the journals above.