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SeedShare: How It Works

About SeedShare

SeedShare is a collaboration between the Office of Sustainability and Penfield Library to give you the opportunity to grow your own plants and learn to save seeds.  

There is no obligation to save and return seeds, although our hope is that you will grow as a gardener and seed saver and consider sharing your seeds with SeedShare.  


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Get Seeds

The SeedShare inventory is now self serve!

Please browse the seed catalog on the first floor of the library near the staircase, and take what you would like. Help yourself to recycled containers for starting your seeds and gardening themed pins while supplies last.

Donate Seeds

Please submit this form to donate seeds to SeedShare. We will accept donated seeds that are in their original packaging and less than three years old.

Permaculture Living Laboratory

We're offering a special opportunity for students to interact with the Permaculture Living Laboratory by growing seeds and incorporating your grown plants into the garden. If you'd like to participate, select seeds from the Permaculture Living Lab tab on the Seed Inventory spreadsheet.

Please visit the Permaculture Living Laboratory website for more information about the project and opportunities to volunteer!