Now that you have your seeds/seedlings and have caught the gardening bug, how else can you get involved? Check out these local organizations looking for volunteers willing to get their hands dirty.
The FLPI offers opportunities to learn sustainable, ecological design methods including workshops, study groups, apprentice programs, and the intensive Permaculture Design Certification Course in upstate New York, USA.
A group of highly enthusiastic faculty, students, community members and staff working together to realize their dream of creating a model of regenerative living and education at SUNY Oswego
Oswego Community Gardens are located on East Schuyler Street between E. 7th and E. 9th (East Side Garden) and on Third Avenue off Washington Ave. behind Raby's Hardware (West Side Garden). Requests for private spaces may be posted to this page, sent to or directly to (West Side) or (East Side). Community plots where anyone may harvest produce are also maintained in both gardens. Surplus produce is gathered periodically and donated to local food pantries.