Find Collaborators

Looking for collaborators? 

Check the Grand Challenges Calendar to see if there's anyone you want to reach out to for a possible collaboration. 

Want to get your own information on there? 

Share what you're working on / interested in around the topic of fresh water.

  • All submissions will be visible to the chair of the Grand Challenges Oversight Committee.
  • You will only show up on the Grand Challenges Calendar if you provide an approximate date when you think you might cover the topic in class.



College Impact Collections Grant

Description: Do you need access to books, videos, music, etc. that aren't currently in Penfield's collections? Apply for this grant and the library will purchase your wishlist to add to its collections. 

Due Date: Late February 

Amount: $500 of materials to add to Penfield Library's collection

More Information: Learn more and apply for the College Impact Collections Grant here. 


Grand Challenges Mini Grant

Description: Want to incorporate the Grand Challenge into your courses or student projects? Apply for this grant to get start-up funds for relevant materiel. 

Due Date: Mid May (for Summer / Fall semester) or mid November (for Spring semester).

Amount: $50 - $350 

More Information: Learn more on the Grand Challenges homepage.

Other Internal Grants

Depending on your project, other internal grants may apply.  Visit ORSP's Internal Grants page to learn more about what's available

Utagawa, H. (1857). "Sudden Shower over Shin-Ōhashi Bridge and Atake (Ōhashi Atake no yūdachi) [print]." Retrieved from