Citing Sources

Most of the library databases include pre-generated citations. For the databases you'll be using, look for the word Cite in the right sidebar: 

Although these tools are helpful, they're not perfect - they often capitalize the wrong things, or leave out an issue number. Google Scholar sometimes misunderstands the type of source you're citing. 

So, it's a good idea to be aware of APA citation rules in order to identify and fix those kinds of mistakes. I've attached my slides from class so you have them as a reference:

Laura's Tips for Citing in APA

Learn how to cite books and articles in APA

Books and articles are what you'll cite the most, so really learn how to cite those properly. For everything else, Google is my go-to. For example, if you're not sure how to cite a video in-text, just Google "video apa in-text". Look for results from, and college libraries or writing centers.

The links below are also good places to check!

Learn how to do a hanging indent!

When putting together a reference list in APA style, the first line should be normal, but all other lines should be indented. This is called a hanging indent. Here's how you can do it.