
In addition, you can find DOIs in PsycINFO and put them into PsycTESTS. Click on the title of the article, then scroll down to see if there's a section called "Tests and Measures." If any of the tests listed has a DOI, it has an entry in PsycTESTS:

Need more help? APA has a great guide to PsycTESTS.

Video: How to Find Tests in APA PsycTests

ETS Tests and Measurements

ETS Test Collection

ETS Test Collection  A database of descriptive information about over 25,000 tests. Offers useful information about where the tests are published and how to obtain a copy

Mental Measurements Yearbook

Mental Measurements Yearbook

A database of descriptive information and edited reviews for over 7,000 commercially available testing instruments.  Print editions 1-17 (1938-2007) in Reference Storage BF 421 .B96.

Measures for Clinical Practice and Research