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Adding Content to OswegoDL

Step by step explanation of everything you need to know to share your content in the Oswego Digital Library.

Your Creative Writing work in

Oswego Digital Library

Uploading Your Work to OswegoDL

OswegoDL asks for a lot of fields when you're uploading your work. Here are some tips on what information to put in which field:

Main Title: The title you gave to whatever it is that you're uploading.

  • If this is flash fiction / other flash prose, put your word count in parentheses after the title like this: My Awesome Story (150 words)

Material Type: Unless your work has been published in a book or a journal, you'll probably want to leave this set to Other

  • Specify Type: Here you can get more specific of what it is that you wrote.  Try something like: poem, novella, screenplay, short story, or personal essay.

Larger Body of Work: If your piece is part of some kind of anthology or collection, you can list that here.  Otherwise, list your course number like this: CRW 407

Creator: That's you! Enter your name as you would normally write it. If you have a co-author, hit the green plus sign so you can add their name in a separate box. 

Graduation Date: The year you anticipate graduating from SUNY Oswego. 

Publisher: If your work has been published elsewhere, list the publisher here.  Otherwise, you can leave this blank.

Related URL: You could link to your personal website / blog, your digital portfolio, a site where your work was previously published... whatever makes sense.

Publication Date: Today's date or when you created the work, unless it was published elsewhere. (If so, list that date of that publication.)

Subject Keywords: A word or phrase describing what you wrote about, to help searchers find your work. To include more than one word/phrase, use the green plus sign to add the additional keywords in separate boxes. For example:

  • Dodo birds
  • Romance
  • Comedy of manners
  • Espionage

Abstract: Optional field; you can put a synopsis of your work here if you like.

Notes: Optional field; use it for anything else you think people should know about this work.

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