Internet Resources - General Resources
- Khan Academy: Electrical EngineeringWork your way through topics like circuit analysis, amplifiers, semiconductor devices, and more.
- Tinkercad CircuitsDesign and simulate circuit boards with this breadboard, schematic and PCB editor. Share your designs and collaborate as a team. Requires free account.
- 200 chip definitions everyone should knowTerms and acronyms for anyone interested in chip design, with links to more information about each one.
- Soft Robotics ToolkitFrom the website: "The Soft Robotics Toolkit is a collection of shared resources to support the design, fabrication, modeling, characterization, and control of soft robotic devices. The toolkit was developed as part of educational research being undertaken in the Harvard Biodesign Lab."
- ETHW (Engineering and Technology History Wiki)"A wiki-based platform dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of innovation in the fields of electrical engineering, its allied fields and its organizations."
Internet Resources - News
- Science Daily: Robotics NewsNews items related to robotics.
- IEEE Tech NewsNews, analysis, and blogs from IEEE to keep you informed, based on world-class research and thought leadership
- SlashdotAn extensive site of science and technology-related news submitted by users and overseen by moderators and a professional editorial team. Community comments supplement the news and are displayed in an easy to read format.