Basic Database Searching
This page provides a list of databases that cover business topics. Use them to locate articles that provide current and historical analysis of your company.
Each database's search screen will look different but you can always search by company name to locate relevant articles. You can improve your search by adding additional relevant keywords. In the example below, we're using the ABI/INFORM Global database to find articles about Google and its weaknesses: Google is the first keyword and weaknesses is the second keyword.
Use database limiters to reduce the number of articles to the most relevant results for your search. In the second example below, ABI/INFORM Global has over 15,000 articles about Google and its weaknesses. This database allows you to limit the number of results in multiple ways, including limiting to peer-reviewed articles and type of source (e.g., books and scholarly journals).
When searching databases, keywords are more effective than typing in a question. Use keywords to search and database limiters for more relevant results. Visit Penfield's Search Basics guide for additional tips and examples.
The tutorial video below will introduce you to finding articles and books about your company. Note that this video was created during Penfield Library's pandemic closure. Penfield is open for visits, and current hours are available on the Penfield website.
Find Journal Articles - Key Databases
- Business Complete This link opens in a new windowSearches five core business resources with a single search including ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, ABI/INFORM Dateline, Barron's and Wall Street Journal.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowFull text in all disciplines of business, including journals (many peer reviewed), market research reports, industry reports, country reports, SWOT analyses, and much more.
Covers: Varies by journal title (many 1965 - present) - Gale Business: Insights This link opens in a new windowCompany and industry intelligence on thousands of global companies with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, comprehensive reports, periodical articles, news articles, and press releases. Detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations, including information on corporate hierarchical structures, investment reports, corporate chronologies company histories, and some SWOT analyses. Also includes brands and product information, industry and company rankings, financial overviews, and demographic and market information for countries across the globe.
- ABI/INFORM Global This link opens in a new windowSearch over 2,000 premier worldwide business periodicals for information on advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more. Also includes information on 60,000+ companies and the full text of thousands of dissertations.
Covers: 1971 - 1984 (citations only); 1985 - present (citations & full text)
Find Journal Articles - Specialized Databases
- Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new windowOnline index and text from 1984-present; print index from 1968-1993 in Reference Storage, Lower Level; microfilm of text available from 1968 - 2003.
- ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry This link opens in a new windowSearch more than 700 publications for trade and industry information. This database contains publications on every major industry, including finance, insurance, transportation, construction, and many more.
- ABI/INFORM Dateline This link opens in a new windowLocal and regional business news coverage of large corporations, privately held companies, local start-ups, executive profiles, marketing, finance, and industry news. Provides information not typically found in the national press sources.
- PsycINFO This link opens in a new windowJournal articles (covers more than 1,700 periodicals), chapters, books, dissertations and reports on psychology and related fields.
Covers: 1887 - present
- Bloomberg TerminalThe most widely used information system in the global financial community. This resource can only be accessed in the Gordon Lenz Center for Finance, Insurance and Risk Management in Rich Hall. Not limited to School of Business students. If interested in using this resource contact Mary Rodgers, 315-312-6382 or
Find Journal Articles - Multidisciplinary Databases
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new windowThis interdisciplinary scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study, including: sciences, social sciences, arts & literature, ethnic studies, and many more. Full-text for over 6,100 titles (5,100 peer-reviewed); indexing and abstracting for 10,600 titles; complete historical coverage and citation searching for select titles.
Covers: Varies by journal title (many 1975 - present)