Special Collections Research Center
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Walker, Dr. Mary E. Isonomy. Oswego, 1898.
Lawson, Dorris Moore. "Dr. Mary E. Walker: A Biographical Sketch," unpublished master's thesis, Syracuse University, 1954.
Onondaga County Public Library
Local History and Genealogy Department
The Galleries, Salina Street, Syracuse, New York 13202
The Onondaga County Public Library owns a scrapbook containing articles about Dr. Walker collected between 1931 and 1977.
Upstate Medical University
Research Collection, Upstate Medical Center Library. Syracuse, New York 13202.
This collection includes .2 cubic feet of relative information. Includes a research collection of articles and clippings about her life and career, 1939-1984; copies of pages from her personal scrapbook about her activities and speeches, 1855-1867; her obituary, 1919; and a bibliography of manuscript sources on Dr. Walker in Upstate New York repositories.
Rome Historical Society
This collection contains microfilm and copies of papers chiefly related to Dr. Walker's military career, including her service as a surgeon with the Army during the Civil War, her application for a pension, her reception of the Medal of Honor and its reinstatement in 1977. There is also genealogical correspondence between Anne North Hinton and Barbara Howlett, a Rome Historical Society researcher, and Helen Hay Wilson, a grandniece of Dr. Walker concerning Ms. Hinton's possible relationship to Dr. Walker. The collection includes newspaper and magazine articles about Dr. Walker.